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VERIFY: What if the signature on my ballot doesn't match the one on file?

Here are answers to some of your most common voting questions this election cycle.

PORTLAND, Ore. — With the Nov. 3 presidential election right around the corner many questions have been raised by KGW viewers about possible ballots issues. Oregon conducts its elections entirely by mail, with voters either returning their ballots by mail or by ballot drop box.

Voter issues are overseen by the Oregon Secretary of State Elections Division. We contacted Andrea Chiapella, the media contact at the Secretary of State’s Elections Division to learn more. 

Does my vote still get counted if the signature on my ballot is different from the signature on my driver’s license?

It is already too late to fill out a new registration card with the current signature, so at this point, it is probably best to contact your local county elections official directly.

Chiapella adds, “If the signature doesn’t match, the voter will be contacted and will be able to remedy the situation, but must do so within 14 days after the election.”

If you are aware of a mistake or inconsistency relating to your ballot, contact your local county elections office as soon as possible.

What do I do if I receive two ballots in Oregon? Can I vote twice?

People may receive two ballots if they changed their voter registration information close to the time that ballots were sent out. 

Chiapella clarifies, “If a voter received two ballots, they should vote the ballot that reflects the accurate information and only that one. Voting twice is a felony crime. They should then shred the other ballot and contact their county election office with any questions.”

Since each ballot sent out has unique barcodes, if someone voted twice, the Secretary of State’s Election Division would know, and would send the case over to law enforcement to investigate. Chiapella said the voter would face potential criminal prosecution.

Will my ballot still count if I don’t vote in every race on the ballot?

Generally, always check your ballot for instructions. The Oregon Secretary of State website clearly states, “You do not have to vote in all contests. Your other votes will still count.”

For races you are voting in, make sure you have correctly filled in the ovals next to your choices. You cannot change your vote after you have returned your ballot.

Do you have something you want us to Verify? Let us know. Email us at verify@kgw.com.

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